Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Even Brighter Than the Moon, Moon, Moon

Yeah, I did it. I quoted Katy Perry.

Because lighting up the night like a firework may save you from a close encounter of the critical kind.

Stats show an increase in crashes when we lose the evening daylight. I don't like those stats. We at @WTOP like everyone to get home safe and sound: drivers, cyclists and pedestrians. We care like that.

Personally, I like a helmet light, because it offers me the ability to shine a light on my path as well as giving drivers and peds the ability to see me coming. But I also love, love, love the kind of snap-on blinky lights for my bags, my boots (stick 'em on the cuff of your boots so drivers see you from the side as you roll along--think of it as a blinker on a car).

Light up, and stay safe.

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