Friday, June 3, 2011

Seersucker Social Regrets...

...not what it sounds like. I have no regrets about anything Seersucker-Social related.

This is just to say it's killing me that I will miss this event brought to you by the fine folks at Dandies and Quaintrelles* It's fun to cover--style and cycling collide (safely!) and a whole new generation of Washingtonians gets to see what our mothers were talking about when they talked about the difference between style and fashion.

Also, gotta love the revival of--gasp!--manners. These guys ask all cyclists to roll gently, follow the rules of the road, and give ground to the slower and more vulnerable rider/pedestrian. Can we start a Seersucker Social commute?

Take a look back to last year's Seersucker Social here.

* I can't say just exactly why I'll miss the Seersucker Social--not yet. You'll get a full report on that soon. It's good news though. 

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